Monday, October 6, 2014


Don't worry.
I had to look it up too.
Monday started early-ish, but at least everyone slept through the night with its blood-sucking mosquitoes that we killed in Son#1 and #2's room this morning.
I have meetings and classes and coffee.
Our weekend was good, although my frustration and irritation levels reached its zenith yesterday.
Saturday took Son#1 and I to the coast for a rugby tournament, during which the good mother went for a walk on the beach + glass of wine which was wonderful.
Too bad we got stuck in a helluva traffic jam on the way home, and eventually we snaked through Belgium and stopped at McDonald's to reward Son#1's patience.
It was nice, the two of us in the car, laughing and talking Minecraft.
Yesterday was not too shabby (apart from the moods), and the husband took all 3 boys to the woods to pick up chestnuts, build huts and do things that boys do in woods.
I stayed home, cleaned, studied a helluva lot, ate popcorn and phoned my mom.
But back to the title.
My amount of work was commensurate with the amount of energy I had available yesterday.
I can only hope today will turn out to be the same.
Have a good week, dear reader.