Friday, October 3, 2014

C'est Le Weekend: Bleach

Before my friend Elma came over today, I attempted to clean the house - especially the bathroom. 
I used a bleach spray in the shower which seems to have left a fine bleach fall-out zone on my clothes, now evident in the evening glare of bright bathrooms.
Oh dear.
Problem is, my weight has dropped 7,5 kg and I have very little to wear as it is.
Another problem is that my budget is somewhat limited, so I'll have to lose more weight to fit into very old clothes that I hung on to (my 'thin days').
I'm thinking black permanent markers for my black work skirt.
Nobody would suspect this behaviour from a 40 year old, right?

The husband has gone out with a friend and I'm struggling to keep my eyes open at 9 p.m., as well as keeping Son#1 in his own bed where he has snuck out of for the last 3 nights.
Kudos for the husband who manages to get him back in his top bunk every night.
Son#2 has heavy issues with living and especially dying. 
Poor bunny.
Son#3 is a high pitched joy, and we read 'Where the wild things are' every night.
Every night.

A lot to be grateful for, especially my like-minded friend.
I feel less like Moses tonight (of the 'foreigner in a foreign land'-variety).
Hello weekend.



  1. So glad you have good friends nearby! I'm sure Elma didn't demand any cleaning :-) however I can totally relate to the feeling that things have to "look" clean!

    As far as the bleach is concerned: go for the grunge style... or buy something new cheap as hell at H&M and upgrade that with shoes/belt (ooooops, now I just gave my trick away: going to business meetings in 10 euro black trousers)

  2. P.s. is clothes swapping another option? Friends with the same size?

    1. Not sure anyone should trust me and my bleach-trigger happy fingers with their clothes, haha! But here I am, with bleached spots at work. I think they should be grateful that I showed up! xxx
