Thursday, November 1, 2012

All about hair, blood etc

All in all, it was a super visit to the UK.
I can't say it was anything other than educational, fun and a welcome distraction from the normal hum-drum of life.

Yesterday a myriad of lab work enlightened me to an entire new world of document forgery, hair analysis, fingerprint capture and drug testing.

I didn't wear a lab coat, only a pinafore, and I'm hoping no darn sniffer dog will single me out at the airport today.
Not with all the heroin and cocaine that floated around the lab.
Riveting stuff, let me tell you.

The students had fun.
I had fun.
And we learned stuff we wouldn't ever have had the opportunity to do.

One of the members of staff was so friendly to send me a copy of his book on forensic science after we had had a fantastic conversation about it.
I learned so much - about my subject and myself - this trip can only be labeled a success in every way.

I'm glad to be going home today, though.
I've missed my lovely hubby and my snazzy kiddies.
Will be glad when we're all under the same roof again.

Glad, glad, glad. 



  1. It looks like a very interesting trip!! I can't wait to hear ALL about it. And it is only fluid retention, really ;-)

  2. Oh rubbish, it's FATFATFAAAAAT!!
