Saturday, August 8, 2015

Hard work

Despite a fever and a particularly cranky mood, I've been cleaning the holiday house like hell.
I sucked up all the cobwebs between all the beams, sucked up all the Smarties the boys dropped on, under and around the couch and the rest of the entire large house, did the laundry, bought wine and put the kids to bed.
I think our home exchange host family will think I'm a Class A Freak with my perfectionist cleaning antics.
First our house, now theirs.
But I have an anxiety in me that seems to subside in the one-step-in-front-of-the-other order that cleaning and tidying bring.
I'm turning into Martha-bleeding-Stewart.

Tomorrow, sometime during the morning, we will drive south, to Le Croisic for a night.
Mentally, I'm already preparing for our return to the Nether Lands, and all the stress that awaits us there.
I have large work, health and study issues to attack and solve, and I'm not looking forward.

First, to the coast.
The rest will come as it comes, as they say in Dutch.
The seaside brings fresh air, open views and peace.
Calm and Zen.
Caaaaaaaalm and Zen. 

Mom, I miss you.


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