Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's day

The boys were forgiving of my flu and sleepiness.
We didn't quite make it out of our pajamas yesterday.
And we had a slightly unequal distribution of energy (as in: I slept on the couch while the boys ran amok).

I got pansies from Son#3, from a pot full of deep purple pansies growing by the back door.
I get twigs, flowers, weeds and leaves every day.
Even rocks.

I felt better today - I even washed my hair (woohoo!), which is a good sign of a good day.
The boys handed over their Father's day presents when the husband returned from his reunion weekend away.
Son#2 had hidden his gift, forgotten where he'd put it and it still hasn't appeared.

I'll never get used to my dad being gone.

A busy week waits for us.
Friends Monday and Tuesday.
A return to the GP to evaluate Son#2's lungs.
A visit from my team leader from work.
Art lessons, kids' parties, groceries and a philharmonic concert with a friend on Friday night.
Busy busy busy.



  1. Good luck with busy busy busy (trust me, I know the feeling - also the part about sticks, rocks etc... aaaargh I'd never envisioned that as a boys' mom but it's apparently inevitable ;-))
