Friday, June 8, 2012

C'est Le Weekend: One down, a gazillion to go

Really all I've sorted out so far in the new house is the playroom.  And it's the only room that seems to get cleaned and tidied as well.
The question jumps on me at night: how long will it take to unpack and sort the other rooms in the house?

This weekend the husband is off to a reunion with people he worked with in South Africa, my parents are planning a trip to Gent in Belgium (which is lovely and far nicer than Bruges, so by the way), which leaves me with Thing 1 to 3 and a whoooole lot of empty time.  Lots of boxes could, theoretically, get unpacked in all that empty time.
'Could' being the operative word.

Slowly but surely I am putting imbalances right in my life:  Applying for the passport was one of these things, yesterday I wrote my theory exam for my (ahem) driver's license that needs to be converted to a Dutch one (and felt like an old fart, being at least 20 years older than the rest of the participants), I want to do some kind of Dutch qualification for something-yet-to-be-decided-on.  
In short, all things that will make me feel more at home here in the Nether Lands.
Like I belong.
Unpacking would help, I suppose.
Have been resisting this feeling for such a long time, being the Rolling Stone That (refuses to) Gather Moss.  Perhaps it is time for me to let go of this belief that we'll pick up and leave and start over somewhere else any minute now.  Perhaps it's time to start enjoying my life instead of wishing it away or differently all the damn time.

A weekend ahead and I'm hoping to spend it productively.
Think the main bedroom will get sorted, and the rest, well, the rest will just have to wait for another day. 


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