Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hello Sunday!

The husband took Son#1 and Son#2 to my in-laws, leaving me alone with 7-month old Son#3.  Bliss! 
Today on the menu:

1.  Go to Ikea and buy stuff (unless they tell me to go away as I’m there all the time and have no life)

2.  Cuddle with Son#3

3.  Do ab-so-lu-te-ly nothing to my dirty house.

An opportunity to be semi-childless doesn’t come by all that often.  Carpe diem, that’s what I say!

Tonight I’m cooking myself a vegetarian shepherd’s pie with lovely (yes, you read that correctly:  lovely) Brussel sprouts.  Mmmmmm!

1 comment:

  1. Love the fishes.
    That courgette tart sounds scrumptious, but I've been blessed so far with the ....urrgh..
    *shivers of horror* .... little green stinky stuff. I've so far managed to fight them off at the border - BEFORE they gain entry......

    Ikea sounds like fun. Good luck with the 3 BOYS!
