Thursday, May 21, 2015

Just hummmm along

A kind lady called me from my university in South Africa, discussing my requests for exemption and deferment of study units that have all run aground because of this damn illness.
I cried like a baby, and she listened.
South Africans are generally kind.

I also have to make decisions regarding work and that's a tall order considering that I can't even decide what's for dinner.

Meanwhile, Son#3 is knackered from this school-thing.
I let him stay home today for the second time this week.
Even just from pottering around outside, watering plants and leaving lumps of sandpit sand all over the garden, he fell asleep on the couch.
Son#1 had detention because of fighting at school.
Son#2 is in his room after he exploded yet again and stormed off down the street when he heard the word 'no'.
Double sigh.

But the husband called to tell me that he's bringing dinner home and that, dear reader, is just allright by me.



  1. Takeout is the solution to everything :-)
    (Otherwise try putting up some music, dance and make silly moves. Dance it off girl!)

    1. Dance??? Hell no, Roos! If I attempted to dance, I would do an 'octogenerian-with-a-stroke'-version (that is IF I actually managed to get up)!
      Take-out was yummy though! xxxxxxx

    2. Right, then SING your heart out! Laat het lós, laat het gáán :-))))

    3. Well that bloody song is stuck in my head now!!!
