It's been a month of flu for all of us.
As I write, Son#2 is on Virus#2 (or #3 or #4, not sure anymore), and a 39 degree fever.
No school for him today.
I'm still snot-snotting through my own phletora of flu bugs.
I've taken steps to enrol Son#1 in a Rudolf Steiner school where he'll get the opportunity to mature a lot more before the Dutch school system decides his future.
We need the cooperation of his current school, and I don't like that part of relinquishing influence and control.
Let's just cross fingers and see how it goes.
Last night, the husband and I went to Son#3's musical which was held in the little Protestant church on our street.
A boy sitting next to him said something to make Son#3 cry a bit during the show.
During last week's parent-teacher meeting, I heard that Son#3 is getting bullied a bit.
One of the bullies was the boy sitting next to him.
For all his cleverness, kindness and humour, Son#3 is a very fragile soul.
Luckily we're back to summer time.
Everything grows and renews itself.
Even the munched-down box hedges that were attacked by the horrid European box tree moth plague in the summer.
We've organized a home exchange with someone in the South of France for the last week in April.
It will be our first break since the summer last year.
Just 4 weeks and we're off.