Friday, July 5, 2013

C'est Le Weekend: La vie est belle en France

A short recap of yesterday, and then we're having a large breakfast.
We drove to the Dinosaur Park.
The boys had fun, and afterwards we bought them each a large dinosaur for surprisingly little money.

The husband and I even had time to sit and do nothing while the boys excavated something in a huge sand pit after we'd walked through the park.

We had wanted to drive to Sete, on the coast, but seeing as we were already very close to Meze, we thought we'd see what it was like.
In one word:  Lovely.
Also:  Charming.
A small marina, a lovely beach.
Palm trees.

The boys wanted to stick their feet into the water, and Son#3 and I sat in the shade while the husband took a short walk and the boys frolicked.

After a while, the husband had taken too damn long, and Son#3 also wanted to dip his feet in the water, so we walked onto the beach and he was set free from his buggy.

Son#2 peed in the water, in plain view of all bathers, and a kind lady with a red bikini who sat next to us, started chatting with me.

Eventually, we sat there for 2 hours, without bathing suits, you must know, and I burnt to a crisp.
But we had a great conversation, the boys had fun in the water (in their underpants), the dinosaurs we bought were a hit, and afterwards we bought Muscat which the husband and I thoroughly finished.
An entire bottle.

A good day.

Today we're driving to Albi which my parents loved so much, and we're packing a picnic basket.
Mom, Dad, wish you were here with us.
And dear reader, I hope that you'll be able to see this beautiful part of the world in your lifetime.


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