
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Annoyances, annoyances

I spent a rainy morning in 's-Hertogenbosch, at our faculty meeting.
I didn't agree with a colleague's presentation and while he stood there, trying to convince myself and others of his argument, my heart was racing like a speed train.
But I didn't back down.
There is a Dutch proverb roughly translated to 'row with the oars that you have', but it doesn't help if you get into a leaky canoe in the first blooming place, when there is an infinite amount of working canoes to go around.

This is a colleague who takes credit for my ideas all the time.
He kept asking what solution I could then think of, and I thought, no.
I ain't falling for that ruse again.
I won't get credit for it anyway, and my interest isn't that piqued that I'm willing to do more than disagree with his (badly) chosen path.
One needs to put one's foot down with backstabbing you-know-whats.

I had a few quiet hours at home, and it was bliss.
I took a shower, forgot about work, drank tea and will study a bit before I pick up the boys.
One can only do so much in one day.


1 comment:

  1. I like your speed train. You sound very determined. Go Yo!
