Monday, December 23, 2013

Walk the path of peace (well, try anyway)

A friend is coming over for a visit today.
Son#1 and #2 have been up since 5 a.m. - I was blissfully zonked out in deep sleep, thanks to a few sleepless nights.
Thank the gods for small mercies.

The boys are fighting.
Do all boys do that??
Ours fight like sailors.
Swinging, punching, name-calling.
All. Day. Long.

Son#2 is the worst of the scumbags now:  He doesn't listen.
Even screams at you:  I can't heeeeear you!

This is Holiday Hell.

The husband and I are trying to escape the house on the 31st.
We don't want to be home on New Year's.
It was such a crapcrapcrap year.
Next year HAS to be better.
Perhaps a hotel somewhere, just for one night.


  1. All boys fight. (Why is mine on kungfu again?)
    All boys don't listen. (Why does mine cover his ears?)
    All moms scream. (Why do I keep doing so, even though I hate myself every time I raise my voice?)

  2. Grateful I am to know I am not alone, not in anything, even if it feels like it most of the time. But you're right - that self-hatred when you fail to show patience at every defiance.... Sigh.
