Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Have been thinking of all the things that I can be grateful for.
It is exercise.
Hard training.
But it can be done.

I am grateful for:  the healthy husband, kiddies (bar Son#3 who has a stomach bug), parents, a house that we can still afford, food to gobble every day, sufficient money in the bank, jobs that supply aforementioned money, prospects, choices, and freedom.

Freedom is important.
Am working on my own health-issues.

Last night I sat listening to Laura Marling thinking about all the things that I have and others might not.  

It's all a merry go round:  I might have something you don't have, and you might have something that I long for.
And the things that I crave are a healthy body and a peaceful mind and my family in South Africa closer to me, energy to get through each day that is sadly lacking right now, to have days with no pain, and time to work a bit on my dreams.
And I want my husband, kiddies, parents, brother and his family to be healthy, safe, happy, to live a good, long life. I want that for myself too.

I wish these things for you too, dear reader, because we really ought to be kinder to each other in this sometimes nasty, cut-throat world.
If every person was just kind to his neighbour, then that would be a good place to start, wouldn't it?

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